Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Sunshine

I realize that 18 mos is a long time to have been absent from my blog, and I apologize for that. We had a tragedy in our family in June, 2007, when our oldest son passed away, and after that I kind of stopped doing a lot of things, or forgot to do them. Lately I've noticed that I have more enthusiasm for life, and my garden blog is one thing I would like to work on again. Unfortunately, I now have a cast on my right arm - had thumb joint replaced last week - so typing is not easy.

Snowbanks still around the farm, and my husband is ice fishing this morning, but crocuses and snowdrops are blooming. I will take a picture of them later. Monday I started picking the matted leaves off the flower beds, at least where they were not still frozen. The crocuses can take the exposure and it sure makes it easier for them to open up. Let me know what's blooming in your garden! I'll be watching for the Lenten roses soon.