Monday, May 21, 2007

Catching Up With Spring

Spring has really gotten ahead of me, especially since we had to go out-of-town last weekend. Now the little weeds are big weeds, and the poppies, the dreaded poppies, are all over the place and getting ready to - Pop! A few days of windy, cool, rainy weather haven't helped the situation, but sunnier skies are moving in this week so I can get back to working outside.

Last Friday we had a busy day at our house. We had gotten our baby chicken chicks the day after returning from our trip, and they were all still alive and comfortable. We are at the end of several weeks of having a new kitchen built at our house and the appliance guy was coming in the morning to work on the new stove installation. At 6 am the post office called to say that our baby pheasant chicks were in. My husband was out turkey hunting and I had to go to work, but he managed to pick them up before too long and get back before the stove guy came. When that was taken care of he left to go get some baby pigs.

We haven't had pigs before so this was an adventure. They are pretty little and they scratch a lot - more than they should - so I got them some stuff for that today, and more food. They do eat a lot. They are quite friendly, though. The white one is the most friendly. At night I help feed them. We put mash in a feeder pan with warm water and I stir it up with a stick. They crunch on some dry corn while I do that, and then they dive into the mash - literally!. We have a pen for them in the barn and we're going to fence in an area outside, too. Their pen has a door to the outside.

On Saturday Dad got a wild turkey. It is his second one this year, the first time ever that he's gotten 2 in the spring. We had grilled turkey breast for supper last night.

1 comment:

MYLS Trustees said...

You inspire me to get out there and work in the garden. My dream is to create a "woodland paradise" in my back yard. That happens every spring - the season of hope.